We are a diverse team of professional educators committed to providing our students with an authentic Montessori learning experience where problem solving, collaboration, respect and kindness are highly valued, and where independance, competence and resilience are the goal.
We see each child as a unique human being who is intrinsically motivated to learn and develop – socially, emotionally, and academically.
Our classrooms are filled with engaging, hands on materials that support each child to achieve mastery of the clearly defined Montessori curriculum.
Within the prepared and structured environment of our classrooms, children follow their interests and work at their own pace. Given the freedom to follow their natural curiosity, children develop a love of learning.
To prepare our young learners to become contributing citizens, we foster empathy, the understanding of different viewpoints and a strong sense of belonging to, and being responsible for, our local and global communities.
Our Commitment:
Together our school community of diverse faculty and staff, caring families, and young learners are deeply engaged in and committed to the pursuit of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) in our school.
As Montessorians we believe that our students are both the hope and the promise for an equitable and peaceful future. We are grateful that our school community has the guided opportunity to dismantle bias and racism: in ourselves, in our policies, and in our practices. This important work will help the children we serve develop the foundational values and skills to flourish in a future where equity-informed, multi-racial, multi-cultural principles and behaviors are valued.
We believe that learning thrives in an atmosphere where inclusion and equity are modeled, differences are welcomed, questions are prized, exploration is safe, and where individuals feel the warmth of belonging.
Our Actions:
Williamsburg Montessori is committed to the principles and practices of diversity.
We welcome students, families and staff of any race, color, sexual orientation national or ethnic origin.
We promise to treat all applicants equally in the administration of our admissions, educational and hiring practices.